Americans, remember SCOTUS made it possible for this criminal to be on the ticket.

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The Criminals on the Roberts supreme court’s Government.

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Let's not forget about the polite, by the rules guy...Merrick Garland...so "by the rules and being polite," get's you Germany 1930's. And I love Joe...but he did have 4 years to get rid of the "polite by the rules guy."

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Joe should have shit-canned Garland w/i 6 months of doing squat! Joe's at fault too. He underestimated the MAGATS and their Cult Leader - and here we are!!

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Ratting out anyone for any reason is communist or Nazi or fascist. Rebel! Resist!

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From the article: "Hiring is also affected. No staff vacancies can be filled; in fact, before Trump’s first day in office was over, NIH’s Office of Human Resources had rescinded existing job offers to anyone whose start date was slated for 8 February or later. It also pulled down currently posted job vacancies on USA Jobs."

I am reasonably sure that this has never been done before as a part of a presidential transition, and I'm guessing the new "leadership" is going to do everything in their power to kneecap research.

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I posted this earlier on another substack, but it’s worth repeating!

I live in Canada and I was in Canada watching Canadian news network, and I can guarantee you that what I saw were pea-brained shit gibbons break into the Capitol on January 6th, 2021 with their armor. I saw the Capitol police being assaulted by these assailants, I witnessed Pence being whisked away by security and I was appalled at the noose that was hanging outside at the ready to be put around Pence’s neck had they managed to collar him. I also saw the dimwit Senator from Missouri rushing down the stairs and running to get out of the Capitol. My eyes saw what they saw and anyone saying otherwise is lying through their Fcking teeth.

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Here's an email for the Stasi tip line.

"we want to report that the Senate is planning to evade DEI laws when considering the hire of Pam Bondi. The code word they are using is "confirmation."

On rewriting history--that was Winston Smith's job in 1984. And we all know how HIS rebellion played out. Perhaps we should start referring to our House Leader as Winston Johnson.

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Is it OK if I think of him as a limp Johnson?

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Winston Limp Johnson will do.

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The pure evil of this administration is out in front of all of us .

Yes it’s the reversal and the completion of black is white, good is bad , kind is mean …. You get the idea.

There is no one else that could act like all these terrible pronouncements are progress but these lunatics under the Chief Lunatic are doing it .

I am sure a psychiatrist could have some thoughts about this, and the person doing it .

As well, he is appointing and surrounding himself with other antagonistic misfits.

I wonder how long Trump had to practice learning about ‘opposites’

Not long , I’d guess because he naturally heads toward malevolence.

It’s meant to be frightening and it is because the glee he feels after this destruction , makes him who he is .

A really small man.

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Dear Mr. A & Mr. S., Thank you for breaking down all the S*^t into bite size turds for us. There is just to much of it for a standard size poop bag.

I just can't wrap my head around people. These Fascists have been telling us and doing illegal and nasty things for years...they have pretty much had books written about how corrupt they are. The Jan. 6th books are a slam dunk. (soon to be banned of course). They even wrote a book full of directions on how to screw us all..."Project 2025". Doesn't anyone read? The thing I don't get about people is, why the hell they can't see a thing for what it is?

At this point in our world...the car has gone off the cliff & humans are arguing about what music to listen to.

Sigh.....Hey is Sam & his Family & home OK? Sending our concern.

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As far as the Musk/Altman slapfight is concerned, it’s happened before, and I suspect the current one will have the same results: https://www.amnh.org/explore/ology/ology-cards/038-fighting-dinosaurs

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Well I’m over this BS and I’ve taken the gloves off. If you voted for Trump I got no use for you, you’re trash in my eyes and I’ll tell you to your face. We’re not playing with normal people and it’s past time we stop taking the high ground and fight fire with fire. Besides most would probably have gun accidents cause cosplay commandos are idiots.

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It’s like you want to skip the news but you need to know wtf is going on. Holy fucking shit are these assholes stupid starting with the fucking orange fuckhead.

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What a craptastic fucktangle of "good" news, and, it's only been THREE FUCKING DAYS.

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2025 has been the longest year, ever!

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Here I was thinking that 2016 seems to be going on for just forfuckingever.

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Thanks for sharing your opinion and telling the truth ( what a concept - telling the truth!).

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The only way to fight the Republicans is to be naster than they are play their game go after the rich they are the one are behind this taking our right I'm old guy ready to I'm the third generation of vets.

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I only have one finger to give back to that Maga there-- the middle finger. Magas your day will come. Traitors to their country go to Hell for eternity, even the pardoned ones and there ain't nothing little don the con can do about it then. OH yes I'm forgetting something what is it? Oh yah

🇺🇸 💙 🇺🇸 fuck trump 💙 🇺🇸 💙

I'm in Massachusetts donny.

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There’s many reasons as to why we are where we are today but I believe that the most important reasons are that DOJ, FBI failures have led us here. Oklahoma City bombing, Ruby Ridge, Waco, Bundy Ranch standoff, Malhuer Refuge takeover in Oregon are all failures because DOJ and FBI failed to hold these criminals accountable for their crimes. These criminal actions are now teaching moments for extremists groups and the Republican Party.

Not labeling them as terrorist groups and holding all of the individuals responsible accountable are major failures. We are now seeing the effects of those actions.

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Founded in 1998 by Luis and Bela Janota, Ocean Seafood Depot has been supplying restaurants and customers with the freshest seafood for over 25 years. Our commitment to quality seafood has made us a trusted name in the industry. We take immense pride in being New Jersey and New York City’s top seafood supplier. Luis and Bela are thrilled to share this legacy with their children, who are now a major part of the team.

This is the place that was raided by the fucking brown shirt mother fucker Trump high booters. Obviously a very very dangerous group...undoubtedly smuggling drugs and dope inside salmon This is fucking sick. Why don't these mother fuckers play some wiffle ball and get a real job

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