Would say you are wrong- here in NC- many folks are still huge fans and devoted to 45. I Canvass every weekend for Harris Walz. Tough! Nevertheless I will persist to canvass for Harris Walz Josh Stein etc!!

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Thank you for doing that, you are making a difference!

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Thank you

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I might have missed something, but I'm not sure it was said here that most people in NC hate trump. There are lots of areas where a lot of people are caught up in the MAGA cult. Thanks for venturing into such an area.

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Yes David canvassing even in Mecklenburg county “ain’t for the weak”! Was thrown off a porch this pass weekend and 2 doors slammed in my face as well as told don’t leave that Harris Walz stuff on my door. So am persisting.

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Is everyone watching the Shenanigans going on with the Gubernatorial race here in NC???? Stay tuned!!!

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"The shootings will continue until my poll numbers improve!" - DJT (Probably)

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Trump is MASA: Make Americans Slaves Again. DEMOCRACY is on the ballot and we cannot lose. We cannot afford to fail. The world is counting on us to show the way.

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LOL! Better believe it! I don't want him to get killed because he'll be a martyr and the Lord only knows who they would try to put in his place. Joyjuice Dumbass probably. But some buckshot up his butt would not bother my. conscience at all, not a whit.

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Conold needs to plan on having a whole lot of bullet holes as his poll numbers decline🤣

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I'll say it again! I fucking hate Cancun Cruz. He should have stayed in Mexico when he left our state during one of the worst winter storms Texas has ever had. Please support Collin Allred's Senate campaign. Thanks ya'll!

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So Second-in-so-many-ways Don Jr is stepping out. Seems like DonOLD maybe doing the same with Laura Looney Tunes Loomer. There was a time in which even a whiff of such innuendo of infidelity would have disqualified a politician. (Google John Edwards, Gary Hart). But alas, now it is de rigor for so many of the members of the RFP (Republican Fascist Party).

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And Melania is no where to be seen... hmmmm.... divorce lawyering?

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No, Mellie is waiting for him to die so she wins the lottery. It seems Putin can't help her.

with her problem.

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I don’t really care, do you?

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Candice Bergen’s timing is “chef’s kiss” perfection.

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As a proud grandmother I love being with my grandchildren. I moved here to be closer to them and to help when needed…but I will NOT be conscripted into servitude bc Junk Dickface Vance says I should. F that noise. I raised my kids, did my best and they are thankfully responsible and kind adults. This is when I pull the ‘not my job’ card. My pleasure, on my terms, oh hell yeah. 💙

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Why isn’t Jacking Dick Vance’s wife out campaigning? Tim Walz’s wife has done it when she’s able. I mean JD’s wife could drag the kids along like Casey DeSantis did or hey let the grandparents watch the kids, she didn’t need to quit her job when she probably had a babysitter anyways cause he was in DC. Is Mrs. Vance that embarrassed by his politics to even be seen in public? Does he have her locked away at home? Why is the press not asking the tough questions about her sudden disappearance after the RNC?

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Because she is a good subjugated wife who does her owner's bidding?

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Well she used to be a lawyer but quit when he got the call to be his VP. She would be better off without him as he’s denigrated her by denigrating everyone not white. I highly doubt she’s a grifter like him cause when he loses in November he will be run out of the senate.

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Perhaps for the same reasons the Republicans were advised to not mock Nicky Haley’s racial background and her name at birth. But a lot of republicans really love being able to be racist. But not being called Casper’s….

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Although I don’t espouse this sentiment myself, I can understand how some folks are saying –“if, as Trump and Vance have claimed, school shootings are a fact of life and parents should just get over it, then maybe Trump should just consider assignation attempts to be a fact of life and he should just get over them.”

That said, one would think a prudent person would stop making himself an easier target on the golf course, and asking the secret service to patrol the 5 to 6 miles around his golf course. If he spent his time campaigning, it would be much easier for the secret service to protect him now that they’ve added bullet proof surroundings on his debate stages.

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Did you mean "assassination?" I rather like the "assignation" (Freudian slip?) under the current circumstances...

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I know, that made me giggle. I think it might have been intentional.

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Do you think this attempt on Trump was a ploy by him to make the people stop talking about Ohio and the dogs and cats? And also for people to feel bad for him and have his name out there on all the news? Just a thought…..

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I wondered about that. However, when this guy gets locked up with the general prison population, his life won't be worth much. So, I don't think so. Of course, if he is a committed discipline to creating the new Christian Republic, he just might believe that, as a martyr, he would go straight to "heaven." Sort of interesting the BS people will believe.

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When I learned about the alleged assassination attempt on T-rump, the following saying came to mind: “A man reaps what he sows” I then decided to learn the meaning of this saying.

The one I found to be most fitting was the following:

“The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the spirit, from that spirit will sow eternal life. Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up”. (Galatians 6:7-9)

This past Sunday, t-rump experienced the terror he inflicted on Springfield and the Haitian community. He reaped what he sowed, terror . However, those of us who are sowing to please the spirit, the kind spirit, the good spirit, must not become weary in doing good. November 5th is coming up fast.

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Live by the sword, die by the sword.

Violence begets violence.

Karma is a bitch…

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Don’t know if you saw Sarah Fuckabee ( my new name) saying Kamala pronounced wrong doesn’t have children and is not a mother . He 2 lovely step children came to her rescue on social media and said all the right

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I would be very interested in a systematic informed estimate on exactly how many US citizens plan to emigrate if Trump wins the election. What are their ages, incomes & professional/political histories? To which countries will they gravitate? How can countries with declining populations attract disaffected Americans? A generation ago, this choice would be almost unheard of… but now it’s a different reality.

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I finally tried the podcast version and it’s really good. I enjoyed the cussing too 🤣

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Considering that the extreme magats have her a marked woman, because of her East Indian heritage. I’d be hiding in the backyard bomb shelter and only sticks her head out like Punxsutawney Phil, to check the political climate and slam that 13 slabs of reinforced steel shut, locking like the tunnel door in the “War Games” movie with the solid steel pins dropping into the reinforced concrete floor, that keep out any kind of Jungle Dummy out of the 10 rooms of the Vance Hideout and family vacation home from wandering in without the secret password, you’ll not see Usha outside.

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What’s not to not like!😒🙄😒🤥🤪🎃🤡👻💩💀

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Many people, more people than any other, bigley amount of people, most people don’t know this but he has an army of people that don’t like him.

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