Jul 10·edited Jul 10Liked by Adam Parkhomenko

As a "Hollywood Denizen" who's been close enough to Clooney to observe him in action without needing opera glasses, let me say that this "legend in his own mind" is exactly that. I mean, can anyone here remember any of the movies he has fucked up since leaving "E.R.", the gig that proved if you hang around long enough and play the one armed bandits often enough, the law of probability says you''ll eventually hit a jackpot? (Hint #1: the actual Monuments Men were NOT "The Dirty Dozen," in my book merely the most obvious proof of his "comic genius" in action). I think the only "star" more overrated than Clooney would be Warren Beatty.

As someone who has been around Hollywood for 40 years now and observed many of the "legends in their own minds" at close range, why anyone pays any attention to anything most of these people do (including most of the movies and TV they "create") has always been beyond me. As a member of the Wanker's Guild of America, West, Inc., I can personally attest to the fact that the Bourgeois Bolsheviks there are even more precious than the usual "precious writers" in writer's groups in love with their own "specialness" who I have detested all my life as a writer. I think I have ten friends left alive in the Guild, the rest being people I generally cross the street to avoid if I see them coming. Particularly the unemployables who have the time to become "union leaders." These are the people whose forebears traded the possessory credit "a film by" for a rule that the screenwriter must be given a first class ticket for air travel to the location set of the movie if called to do script revisions (back in 1961) and who killed the goose that laid the golden eggs with their "union victories" in 1988, 2007 and 2023.

I like the fact you guys cuss too. I use "fuck" a lot (having been in the Navy where I learned from the experts) over at That's Another Fine Mess.

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Clooney is throwing a fit that Biden didn't support his wife's filing for arrest warrants on Netanyahu and Gallant. I knew when I heard it, there was going to be some Hollywood fallout. As if Biden doesn't have a country to run and negotiations to manage at a much more important level than supporting Amal to 'get her man.' Peace out, George.

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Jul 10Liked by Adam Parkhomenko

I agree with this about Clooney one hundred percent except you left out that dog Oceans 11.

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There are some things in life one works to forget. :-)

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Jul 10Liked by Adam Parkhomenko

About time someone brought up trump and Epstein . Thank you ted

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Jul 10Liked by Adam Parkhomenko, Sam Youngman

On your Note 13 re Hannibal Lecter. Trump has a reason for mentioning and being ok w Hannibal again. It is possible that T is communicating to someone who is in the recent news that he Trump knows about their private actions. That is an indirect threat to them to stay following him. He did this before when Michael Johnson was in the top news feeds. Why? Investigate what the connection could be? Who is he targeting now?

Consider this might be how Trump controls the Maga congress. Watch when people go from critizing to following.

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Jul 11Liked by Sam Youngman

The book The Longest Con by Conway has so many leads on what is happening.

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Trump mentioned Hannibal again, who is that directed at?

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Jul 11Liked by Sam Youngman

Some intrepid soul needs to rent a van with loudspeakers on top and park legally outside trump’s rallies playing the Jaws theme at top volume. Anyone ever watched the videos made by the UK’s Led By Donkeys? Go on Twitter and find them, they are MAGNIFICENT and I think we need the equivalent here!

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