Great coverage in Today's Big Stuff! Let's also be aware that these fascists (the likes of which always fail) often advocate for the establishment of a totalitarian one-party state. This is why I, Harriet Garner, am dedicated to defeating the fascist movement led by Donald Trump and other autocrats. #NoFascistUSA #VoteBlueUpandDownBallot #BidenHarrisToSaveDemocracy

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That is exactly what Newt Gingrich arrogantly admitted to in the 1990s when he tried to take over Clinton's presidency, he called it a one-party rule. It alarmed nobody, but me, of course.

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Me too thank you 🙏

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JD is a follower of the “Great Replacement Theory” just like those tiki torch Nazis in Charlottesville shouting “Jews will not replace us” Well, fuck you JD and all your Hillbilly Nazis.

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It's an all Nazi ticket for the gQp.

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For the record, Perot took as many votes away from Bill Clinton as he did from Bush. Bush, in his arrogance was afraid that Clinton would win in a landslide & he tried to pay Perot to run. Perot turned down his money & ran anyway. Those are the facts that nobody remembers. It's a myth that Bill Clinton won because Perot took away votes from only Bush. A myth & a lie. Like Trump these Republicans are embarrassed when they get their butts kicked.

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Nate Silver has a great article about this.

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If you make an exception for rape or incest, how would any gQp reproduce? JD is for JaDolf.

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😂😂😂The My Pillow ear cover! Mike Lindell will get out of debt selling them at RNC rallies. Can you see all the MAGA 🐑 wearing them with the red caps?

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Vote “Karmala” Harris this Roe-vember!

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Where’s Vance’s Kotex on his ear???

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On point 9, I couldn’t agree more. I just posted on the subject of corporate media:


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The gQp campaign of two Hitlers moves ahead.

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