You guys did it again! Now lemme go wipe my tears & release some of this "let's go!" energy that burns inside of me. Unite For America; it's the least we can do to honor my hero and yours, Joe Biden

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FLASH: #DEMs lose TWO (2) "Keys To The White House" as a result of #Joe being forced out under the threat of the 25th Amendment ... 1.) The #IPCK = "Intra-party Contest Key" and, 2.) the "Incumbency Key".

The updated score is now:

#MAGAt(s) = Six (6) Keys versus #DEMs = Seven (7) Keys.

Analysis: #Trump is now One (1) "Key" away from securing a 2nd Term as President of The United States with a 100-days left till the Election. C=> https://www.youtube.com/live/BxvUPI1Bph4 #Holy-Sh't! #Nothing-Is-Easy

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Go back to Flyover Loserville where you belong, senile old white male boomer dumb bunny.

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Thank you. I also fully supported President Biden. He made the decision and I will support VP Harris now. Nothing is more important than defeating trump and his MAGA cult. I am all in for Kamala Harris.

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I'm With Her!!!

Let's go!!! Haven't been this excited for a long time.

I love Joe Biden, love everything he did for our country. He will go down in history as one of our greatest most accomplished Presidents. Thank you Joe. Let's go Kamala!

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Who's Old and Senile, Now? nod pmurt.

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Jul 24Liked by Sam Youngman

How about Jockitch Dandy?

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This one made me laugh..

Note 16: Trump attacked VP Harris this weekend as “Laughing Kamala.” It’s not unique to her. Lots of women laugh at him.

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Joe Manchin knows better than to try to run for presidency as a Democratic. He is a DINO, only In office to line his own pockets. He would have less than zero support from the Dems.

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Like the Obama campaign said in 2008: Fired up! Ready to go!

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You guys are fucking hilarious. Love it. So glad I subscribed.

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She raised $81 million in 24 hours, which is a great start.

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Your enthusiasm is inspiring and contagious at TBS…keep on rockin’ it!

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it's sad that straight shooters like yourselves have mindlessly defended Biden over the past few months, and issued full throated endorsements of him. If he had gotten out of the race earlier, Kamala would have had much more time to plan her ground game, and have more time to campaign and improve her ratings.

Undoubtedly, Trump's odds of winning the White House have significantly decreased with this news, but unfortunately, her victory is by no means guaranteed. Her likability is on par with Hillary Clinton, and we know how well she did. Kamala's campaign barely made it off the runway in 2020.

We already have a cult of personality on the Republican side. It's sad the Democrats did the same with Biden. Fingers crossed that Kamala wins, but people like yourselves that mindlessly endorsed Biden, even as the signs of his mental downfall only became more and more obvious, hold some level of responsibility for how close we are to possibly re-electing DJT. Cult of Personalities are dangerous for Democracies

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I’m not a Democrat and didn’t want to vote for Joe Biden in 2020. Was I wrong! Having watched his accomplishments over the last 3 1/2 years, I stuck with him to the end. It wasn’t mindless, it was strategic. Joe Biden in a coma would be a better president than Trump. Being old doesn’t necessarily mean incompetent. Ageism is no better than racism or sexism. The media and Republicans blew Biden’s debate performance all out of proportion. Yes, he’s old and yes, he occasionally stumbles. Everybody does, Trump more than anyone. But the debate was a debacle due to his illness and his extensive international travel leading up to the debate, rather than senility. Mainstream media framed President Biden as incapacitated, while giving a Trump a pass on his age, the multitudes of lies he tells and gaffes he makes. Since President Biden has chosen not to run, I will wholeheartedly support VP Harris as the candidate. It’s the only way we’ll beat Trump. It certainly won’t be with in-fighting and chaos. One advantage the GOP has over the Dems is unity. Even though they fight like cats and dogs throughout the year, the GOP unite strongly behind their candidate. I’ve lived through seven presidents and am a student of history. Anyone who has a grasp of the past realizes it’s incredibly risky to change horses midstream. Asking folks questions about why they supported Biden instead of making assumptions and condescending comments might help you understand their motivations.

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"But the debate was a debacle due to his illness and his extensive international travel leading up to the debate, rather than senility". Wow, completely untrue. The guy came back from overseas travel and spent a week away from the White House at Camp David and his Delaware home resting and prepping for the debate. His team set up the debate, bypassing the Independent Debate Commission. Team Biden chose the time, the forum, the network, they demanded the muted mics. He took a week to rest up, and went to a venue that was designed to give him every advantage, and the guy fell apart.

If he had a cold, then why did he visit a Waffle House right after the debate? Why would he spread his germs to random people? Because he was NOT sick, that was part of the lies they had to desperately come up with after his performance.

I could go on, but you've already made my point. The guy could do no wrong, and you accepted whatever excuses the bobble-heads on TV delivered to you.

But to end somewhere we agree: you're right that the party should unify behind Kamala, despite her flaws, or the way the process is playing out. Whether we like it or not, this is the process for when a President drops out early. It isn't Kamala's fault that it happened this way. I hold nothing against her, and think she has a far better shot at winning. The Dems should rally around her, which seems to be happening

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I know one asshole I'm blocking.

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Just stop. By the way - your Volvo is outside.

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I've been blown away by the response to Kamala Harris' nomination by President Biden. I have to say that when he was running in 2019, he wasn't my pick - he had been around forever, but was always just 'Mr. Nice Guy'. Yes, I voted for him, I felt that even bland was better than Trump!

His accomplishments as president have proved me very wrong about his abilities. He knows how to work with others, and where to find the necessary expertise. His staff sees that and how successful it is.

So please, Jonathan Lemieux, leave the whining to Trump. I think he got a uni degree in moan & whine, and you'll never come close.

I ask of all of us, if you aren't voting for the 'candidate' of your choice, please vote for the

platform/party of your choice. Please support and vote for women's right to make decisions for their own bodies.

Trump's VP pick believes that women should have to stay in an

abusive marriage. The coroners know how well that works!

Vote for lower prescription prices - especially those that our tax $$ have helped to research and develop.

Vote for better wages, more jobs, fairer taxation.

Vote to keep the infrastructure bill in place. Our roads, hiways and bridges need help!

Vote for bringing the internet to rural America. And vote for funds to keep the crisis and suicide hotline going. These and more are all part of the platform I'm voting for, regardless

of who is our next DEMOCRATIC president. The President sets the tone, but many, many people do the work. Our job is to support them.

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I agree with the majority of your points

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Let’s GO!💥

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In addition to Ron Brownstein's column in the Atlantic, below is a good read: "Some Advice for the Democrats. Trump isn't invincible. But you guys are screw ups. So please, pay attention. " I do not agree with several parts of Claire's essay, but most is on point.



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Can't agree with your summation. How old is Claire Berlinski? Under 20 comes to mind... How many persons with dementia has she cared for, or even spent more than short amounts of time with? She writes as though she's THE expert of what President Biden (or any older person) is dealing with - sorry, too easy to be critical (and, oh so sure of herself!) from the outside.

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Thanks Anna. According to Wikipedia, she was born in 1968. I do not know her. I only started reading her this summer.

I think you make very valid points on her experience her. Wikipedia talks a little bit about her experience

As someone who’s almost 75, I appreciate your sensitivity towards older people. I do write a Substack and I have learned that the only way I improve my writing is to welcome criticism and to adjust —just like after receiving some of the feedback you just provided. When I was in elected official writing six races I could not have been so successful without getting criticism being open to it and changing. I hope the Harris team considers critical perspectives because I think they can extract the helpful points

Regarding my criticisms, they flow from my concern that we will repeat same mistakes made in policy and strategy. Since Harris is inheriting the same team who made those mistakes, mistakes will have to be acknowledged internally in order to be prevented

and I am glad to hear that they’re looking to hire some new staff

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Please critique priorities of Biden 2.0 /new Harris team. She is welcoming some sports champions to the WH today. I am a sports fan;- however, America and voters need Harris arranging to be at the meeting with Netanyahu or arranging a meeting with the new President of Mexico. Americans and Harris need to roll out affirmative policies for the working class America who really do feel disillusioned and discouraged. I wrote about this "Words of Insight from another Harris"https://ralphrosenberg.substack.com/p/words-of-insight-from-another-harris?r=9e9e3

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Reminder: Joe Biden is still the President and is the one who should be meeting with world leaders, for now.

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Chris Berrie has a point. With Chris' cautions, there are multiple opportunities for Harris, other than what she is doing this week. I read she is travelling to the Berkshires for a fundraiser-understandable. She is travelling to a previously scheduled black sorority function in Indiana. What else is she doing to exercise her global and domestic muscles? Someone has to ask. Ron Brownstein's article in the Atlantic kind of raises these questions in a much more eloquent fashion.

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She's been the candidate for less than 24 hours. Is it okay with you if she takes a day or two to adjust her schedule, or should she just resign now?

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I guess we will disagree on our work expectations for a Presidential campaign/candidate.

Regarding expectations for Harris, today I came across 3 stories that more eloquently raise issues about Harris.

. Have you had a chance to listen to Mark Halperin's morning meeting podcast (I normally dod not agree with Halperin; today was an exception)? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=moOvh-bDNcI

Or read Claire Belinski? https://open.substack.com/pub/claireberlinski/p/some-advice-for-the-democrats?r=9e9e3&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email

Or Ron Brownstein’s column in the Atlantic?

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She needs to be allowed to campaign, while Biden runs the country. No doubt the party political machine is in full throttle, planning her next steps.

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