They’re spreading a lie about Springfield. They’ve been told it’s lie. The people who started the lie have said it’s a lie. And they’re still spreading it. All I can say is, if you don’t think this is how the Nazis got started, tell me how you think the Nazis got started.

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The Pope should stay out of OUR election as he will not suffer the consequences of the outcome. WE WILL!

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It’s abortion. It’s always abortion, plus the lunatic maga EWTN Catholic wingnuts. He should have given a more nuanced answer than bothsiding a modern antichrist and a woman who sincerely wants to better people’s lives.

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Agreed Patty. Sometimes people need to STFU, including the out of touch old man.

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It's the Church and abortion. It's too bad Nero wasn't more thorough when there were only a few thousand Christian morons to get rid of.

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The Pope should worry about keeping his side of the street clean and we’ll worry ours.

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Unfortunately, DeSantis is my Gov. You're right. He can eat a big bowl of shit.

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IMHO, that woman in Ohio needs to be held accountable. If she was so concerned with helping find a missing pet, why did she include the 3rd party statement that it may have been eaten but without the proof? What did that even have to do with finding the pet? Or she really believed that nonsense and truly wanted to stigmatize the Haitian residents but it's now CYA time?

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You can find 10,000 of her (or more) on Nextdoor, the app that shows you how much you want nothing to do with the idiots who live next door.

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That is so true about Nextdoor… they are really goofy and have no life other than trolling on Nextdoor.

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Nextdoor is so distasteful that I only go on it if I want to sell something.

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“a North Carolina Republican nutjob endorses an abortion ban and we think Trump is having an affair with an evil goblin.”

So many goblins to choose from in the republican party, sigh… MTG, Noem, Luna, Boebert, Lara T., Guilfoyle, Britt, Huckabee, .......

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The WOMEN in the REPUBLICAN party are TOTAL WEIRDOS. They all look alike, are Botoxed alike, act alike and are complete narcissistic birdbrains

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Yeah, GW. I thought so too. So I pulled before and after pics of some of these Women. OMG! Before they got involved with MAGA these Women looked you know..normal, some of them actually looked happy. After they got involved with MAGA they all start to look like they had really bad plastic surgery done by the same person who did the special effects for the Jokers girlfriend in the Batman movie where the Joker is played by Jack Nicklson. Frightening.

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Trump is like the guy who jumped out of the 40th floor. When he passed the 20th he said “So far, so good!”

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When does splat happen? When?

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When Pope Francis made the statement “vote for the lesser of two evils” I thought what the heck???? Why is he even commenting on our election???

We have nothing to say about how the Popes are voted in while they’re all sitting inside puffing away on all that black and white smoke.

He should be more concerned about his female parishioners leaving the Catholic Church. I used to like that guy…

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North Carolina should send That person who claims to be the son of Robert Kennedy a bill for the cost of having to redo the ballots. Why should the taxpayers of North Carolina have to pay for his stupidity?

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Trump defends terrorist because he’s a fncking terrorist!

Is it wrong that I want to set afire to anything trump related?

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Love that Biden was having a hard time keeping a straight face when MVP showed Trump who’s boss.

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I love that you interviewed God Herself! She is a badass. I also would like to suggest a potential crossover with another facet of God, who has his own Substack account and was just this morning considering some smiting for TFFG and his trashy brain dead new sex doll (shudder — how completely, utterly YUK and indefensible do they have to be that I am even considering a smidgen of pity for Melania?).

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May I live long enough to never see this goddamn face again

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Take one look at a photo of the time Trump and Melania met with the pope.

The look on Frances’ face tells you everything you need to know about how he

really feels about Donny Dipshit!

So why the fuck can’t he come out and say it?

I don’t read the Bible as much as I should but I remember something about

bearing false witness!

Frankly baby, you can do better!

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Don’t threaten DeSantis with a (for him) good time.

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Also, the woman who started the spread of Ohio lie, good lord...

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