With you guys 💯! I’m feeling like I can dredge up some extra hate, for sure.

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We shall see what the democrats do on the debt ceiling, if they simply vote to raise it; they are done. If they can get actual viable concessions out of it, then they should vote for it.

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When I get fucked, I prefer it to leave me smiling. This ain’t doin that.

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I LAUGH WHEN I READ SOME OF THESE POSTS. But I want to move to Canada. If they will take us in. This mess here is not going to get better. People are crazy. Trump's rating is up. How is that possible? Is that true or false? there is so mmuch that one can not believe.

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Don't forget that Dumbass Donald has declared war to liberate us from paper straws. I feel so much safer now 🤬🤬🤬

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Funny how they keep screaming about 'freeeeedummmm!!!' and turn around and ban shit...

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They're not MAGA or republicans any more. Ladies and Gentlemen, the NAP (Nazi American Party)

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Is anyone going to pay their taxes this year?

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This deserves some thought.

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🔸️NONE of the big blubbery baby man's clown show would be happening if he was disqualified day one after forensic psychiatrist Dr Bandy X Lee's report of the FIVE DANGEROUS MENTAL PATHOLOGIES of Donald Trump.

🔸️The 1973 Goldwater Rule is obsolete. It said a public figure should be personally examined to diagnose. Today, social media continues to record thousands of hours of pathological behavior from the one foot tall orange baby man in diapers for all to see. No personal examination needed.

🔸️Voters DEMAND mentally fit leadership. It is the sacred duty of Senate leadership to protect American voters from dangerous mentally unfit candidates and to prevent autocratic abuse.

"Stephen Xenakis-Fitness for Duty Exams: Preventing Autocratic Abuse"


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Call the little weasel Mike Johnson if you can get through. I call several times per day but now they will not allow any calls get through. WE must start letter-writing. Fill up their mail boxes with it. Number of Capitol---202-244-3121 try also 202-224-3121. Keep calling. 1500 CALL PER MINUTE MUST HAVE SHUT DOWN LINES.

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Thanks for the info. I've sent my letters but I will add calling to me list

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The Super Bowl halftime show was amazing and I was loving it because I knew all those fucking assholes on the right had to be pissed. Samuel Jackson should have said, “That’s right motherfucker!”

I have an idea, these assholes said they wanted to go to Mars…they should all go now.

And JD couchfucker Vance is a dumb motherfucker. I could believe this asshole believed what he tweeted.

And good luck with that Kennedy Center, especially if Rosanne Barr is the opening act. I’m sure that place will be rocking.

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Yes remember when she sang the National Anthem?

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I do it made me wanna🤮

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Is there a rap song about 'owning the MAGA'

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Kendrick Lamar sang it last night “Not like Us” …and there’s a line in there that says rapists and pedophiles. Lol….he hates Trump. That’s why he had Samuel Jackson introduce him as Uncle Sam and every one on stage was African American. Lol… he’s the best. He’s got other political songs too but he was told to tone it down.

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I’m of the opinion we don’t deserve to be a country anymore. Fuck it…

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Thank you! Such a shame about Mahomes....oh well.

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This penny thing. I know his people believe he will lower prices. But if we do away with the penny doesn't that mean that something that would say normally cost $1.02 will now cost $1.05? Or am I just crazy?

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Dear Adam,

Discovered you recently, think I'm in love 💕

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…and here comes the beginning of “deputization” of citizens to be the next and largest paramilitary force to clamp down on the undesirables, meaning anyone Trump or Musk chooses. “ DHS to Deputize IRS agents To Help With Deportation Effort “. WSJ, 5 minutes ago.

This is the first attempt to normalize this kind of structure so that we will get used to it and not object. But anyone can be made a “sheriff “ and then that sheriff can deputize anyone as their “posse”.

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Your term “Jiggly Dudeboobies” cracked me up and I needed that 🤣

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Love you guys. Never forgive never forget. One day at a time, resist, oppose and fuck the clueless who refuse to accept what is obviously happening. Get tough get smart and take care of yourself and community. We are on our own. It's 1898, with Artificial "intelligence". Stay safe and Viva the Underground!!

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