The question asked about “did trump lose the 2020 election” is a yes or no answer. Cut the microphone and end the interview. That’s it if “Just Dumb” Vance keeps talking shut off the mic and the interview is over. Otherwise you are providing lies and propaganda not news.

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The MSM are doing their level best to help Trump at every turn. They want Trump to win because long term that's what helps them.

They can stage fake wwf battles while actually helping each other profit.

I can't wait for Kamala Harris to defeat Trump once and for all this coming November and for him to leave our country alone!

I can't wait to celebrate Harris/Walz epic victory wearing this funny "Kamala removes stubborn orange stains" tee on November 5th 👇 🤣


I'll be celebrating in the streets like everyone else.

It's gonna be a glorious day!

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Let’s all meet on Park Ave and throw a huge party. I’ll be sure and wear my “orange stain” t-shirt too🍾

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Oct 13·edited Oct 13

With respect, that's not why the MSM has fallen down on the job. djt back in the WH would be the worst possible thing for them, given that the SC has now allowed almost unlimited power for presidents *and* given that djt has made clear that he's gunning for the MSM -- as prez he would file lawsuits,, and he would find ways to shut down the outlets he's angriest at.

It's important for those of us who are rational and/or who are left of center not to overlook or ignore facts when we express our frustration with, among other things, the MSM. To do so is to be MAGAt-y, which is bad for us individually and bad for the country. Thanks.

PS: The MSM has fallen down on the job in part bc it doesn't know how to apply typical standards ( = be objective; present the pluses and minuses of every issue or proposal) with someone like djt. With an ordinary election, such as the one between Obama and Romney, journos can write about policy differences between the two candidates, or write human interest stories that illuminate (for ex., the dog-on-the-car-roof incident). But how do you do that with someone like djt, when journalistic standards and libel laws prevent everyone from writing, "He seems to be suffering from dementia. He makes no sense. He's taking just about every page from the authoritarian playbook. He has pushed his already-angry base into violence. He is a malignant narcissist. He is probably the most dangerous candidate for high office that this country has ever seen. He will destroy US democracy." Editorial writers at the NYT have said this, and more (as have editorial writers elsewhere) -- but reporters cannot.

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I think Trump wants to invoke the “Alien Enemies Act” in order to avoid having to pay Melania anything in a divorce.

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The Free Press has been sold. There’s only one reason this orange Magoo is still standing. It’s because people are profiting off of him. So how can we interrupt that? It would seem that by unsubscribing and selling stock of these corporate empires might send some shocks to their system that they would take notice. Our power is in organizing and focusing our efforts so let’s pick one media outlet at a time that has been, covering for this guy, let’s make some stock go down. Pass this concept around on social media and let’s get organized and give them some bad press one outlet at a time but in massive amounts.

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If your friends with all of our foreign enemies, then YOU are the enemy within.

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You know that bridge in the Bon Jovi video he was walking on was where he saved that woman from jumping off. Look at the photos that were shared from that day. 💙 love me some JBJ! I grew up listening to him. Ok yeah I’m old as dirt.

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I noticed that, too. Perhaps the attempted suicide happened while he was filming?

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A rapist, a felon, a fraudster, a traitor and a nazi.

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So has Bon Jovi broken off his bromance with NE Patriots owner and Trump supporter Robert Kraft? He is often seen in the Owner’s box with Jonathan and Robert.

I know Kraft backs Trump both for his outspoken support for Bibi Netanyahu‘s policies and the tax breaks for the neediest…billionaires. But can the friendship survive?

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