Note 6 seems to be missing the word "don't". They don't have the votes to change how electoral votes are awarded. It gets hectic I'm sure, but proofreading is our friend!
I voted on day one in the fourth largest county by population in VA. It’s considered purple. Haven’t heard the final numbers, but there was a very large, obviously mostly Democratic crowd there when I voted, which apparently continued throughout the day. It felt like a family reunion.
On note six above about Nebraska, after reading the linked story, Sam clearly meant Republicans do NOT have the votes right now to change the system - and pray it stays that way.
While machine-counting errors have occurred, they are typically localized and caught through auditing procedures such as hand recounts, canvassing, or certification processes. These errors are not widespread and have NEVER been shown to change the outcome of a major election like a presidential race.
“A full hand count of the 2024 election in Georgia could take anywhere from a week to several weeks depending on the workforce involved. The state would likely need thousands of counters to ensure a timely count, with some estimates suggesting around 3,000-5,000 people could be needed, based on past recount experiences.” ChatGPT
Keep in mind that a hand-recount can be requested by either presidential candidate after the election, which Georgia did after the 2020 vote to confirm the machine count. So, one has to ask “Why would the Georgia GOP want just a hand-count this year?”
Yup I am not surprised, the NCGOP are usually thick as thieves (until legal trouble shows up), but I hope this crap sinks enough of them this year because they been needing a beating at the polls for a while now & they’ve been getting by thanks to apathy, lack of engagement, & certain folks using code that actually means “the Democrats are being too nice to those people” Usually Black folks is the implication.
"We also wanted to give you a little script to use in case you happen to come upon an undecided voter…"
You have no idea how much I loved your advice on what to say to the "undecided voter."
My thoughts about these people are that they know exactly who they are going to vote for, but they are to embarrassed to tell you. Because they are going to vote for the Fascist party, and that has always been a "bad look".
I've found another way to stop a MAGA in their rantings. Wait until the MAGA stop their lunatic preaching about Trump to catch their breath, then ask them these 2 questions.
Do you have a Granddaughter, a sister, or close female friend? So, how would you feel if say your Granddaughter was raped or molested and was forced to carry her molesters baby to term?
That pretty much shuts them down fast.
Then of course walk quickly and smugly away and hope that they are not armed. lol
Super Narcissistic Trump hates to admit he made a mistake, so that's why he never does! He just keeps pounding away with his double-down hammer. He believes everyone else will see Robinson his way, eventually. He's wrong in this situation, and he will pay the price of losing NC!
When Israel attacks military targets it's escalation but when Hezbollah attacks towns it's ... [crickets]. This has been going on for nearly a year. It is only possible for Hezbollah to fire missiles at Israel because Iran has ignored the UN peacekeepers and armed Hezbollah with tens of thousands of missiles. Israel is legitimately defending its northern border in a way that should generate zero criticism.
Note 6 seems to be missing the word "don't". They don't have the votes to change how electoral votes are awarded. It gets hectic I'm sure, but proofreading is our friend!
Thanks. I was thinking the same thing.
I read that a few times and it did not make sense. Thanks for posting this!
I voted on day one in the fourth largest county by population in VA. It’s considered purple. Haven’t heard the final numbers, but there was a very large, obviously mostly Democratic crowd there when I voted, which apparently continued throughout the day. It felt like a family reunion.
On note six above about Nebraska, after reading the linked story, Sam clearly meant Republicans do NOT have the votes right now to change the system - and pray it stays that way.
Yep. Last read it hi fed on one Republican whose name I didn’t make note of.
I am praying, chanting, and making deals with the devil (ok that last one isn’t true).
I personally wrote, a long with several friends, 2000 postcards to that Nebraskan blue dot. They damn well better not change the rules!
While machine-counting errors have occurred, they are typically localized and caught through auditing procedures such as hand recounts, canvassing, or certification processes. These errors are not widespread and have NEVER been shown to change the outcome of a major election like a presidential race.
“A full hand count of the 2024 election in Georgia could take anywhere from a week to several weeks depending on the workforce involved. The state would likely need thousands of counters to ensure a timely count, with some estimates suggesting around 3,000-5,000 people could be needed, based on past recount experiences.” ChatGPT
Keep in mind that a hand-recount can be requested by either presidential candidate after the election, which Georgia did after the 2020 vote to confirm the machine count. So, one has to ask “Why would the Georgia GOP want just a hand-count this year?”
To fuck with the election, that’s why.
Yup I am not surprised, the NCGOP are usually thick as thieves (until legal trouble shows up), but I hope this crap sinks enough of them this year because they been needing a beating at the polls for a while now & they’ve been getting by thanks to apathy, lack of engagement, & certain folks using code that actually means “the Democrats are being too nice to those people” Usually Black folks is the implication.
Also Markie here was the motivation behind my second substack:
"We also wanted to give you a little script to use in case you happen to come upon an undecided voter…"
You have no idea how much I loved your advice on what to say to the "undecided voter."
My thoughts about these people are that they know exactly who they are going to vote for, but they are to embarrassed to tell you. Because they are going to vote for the Fascist party, and that has always been a "bad look".
I've found another way to stop a MAGA in their rantings. Wait until the MAGA stop their lunatic preaching about Trump to catch their breath, then ask them these 2 questions.
Do you have a Granddaughter, a sister, or close female friend? So, how would you feel if say your Granddaughter was raped or molested and was forced to carry her molesters baby to term?
That pretty much shuts them down fast.
Then of course walk quickly and smugly away and hope that they are not armed. lol
Super Narcissistic Trump hates to admit he made a mistake, so that's why he never does! He just keeps pounding away with his double-down hammer. He believes everyone else will see Robinson his way, eventually. He's wrong in this situation, and he will pay the price of losing NC!
If Schumer retains control of the Senate he better clean house on the judiciary committee!
There is one very big, hideous looking baby that I would like to see executed.
Yeah, if ever anyone needed a "post birth abortion" it's him.
When Israel attacks military targets it's escalation but when Hezbollah attacks towns it's ... [crickets]. This has been going on for nearly a year. It is only possible for Hezbollah to fire missiles at Israel because Iran has ignored the UN peacekeepers and armed Hezbollah with tens of thousands of missiles. Israel is legitimately defending its northern border in a way that should generate zero criticism.
Funny how that ain't what's happening.
Bros’…💩🤡🤪🤬 x2