The destruction of the beautiful Black Lives Matter Plaza breaks my heart. Celebrating black people takes NOTHING away from any other race. Are whites so F’ing insecure they can’t see that? Blacks have been torn from their homeland, enslaved, chained, beaten, humiliated, separated from their loved ones, denied opportunities, forced into labor, it goes on and on. Economically, they’ve perpetually suffered in this country. Denying it is senseless. And ignorant. God I hate racism. That plaza MUST be built again. Trump sucks. Racist pig.

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Donald tryna desecrate 16th street cuz he ain’t from there. Snitch gotta take his pastey mushroom 🍄‍🟫 & go back to Epstein’s haunted house.

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Many are just Uneducated, and Ignorant. Never give up!

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Pennsylvanians need to be sending the message to their Democratic Senator, too! Fetterman has indicated he will vote for the continuing resolution! He needs to hear from you, PA!!!

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He's been hearing from me in NE PA. My first rally this year in early February was at his office in Wilkes-Barre PA in frigid temps. I've been calling or emailing him 2 or 3 times a day for weeks. He responded the other day with a testy response that riled me. Tonight, he pissed me off so I emailed him and told him he should just change his name to John trumpperman. Ugh

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Good for you! Thank you!

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He made the mistake of posting on Bluesky. Over 11,000 responses including mine as he is my Senator and counting telling him what they think of him.

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Great rally for International Women's Day (and against Trump and Musk) at Morristown NJ town hall on March 8. Wonderful turnout--somewhere between 400 (newspaper estimate) and my experience eye telling me it was double that. Strong speakers, including a naturalized college student who had the crowd in her hands describing her journey and what she was bringing to our country. We ended with a list of action steps we can all take to fight back. Second of many!

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All the protests you DONT see on ABC World News Tonight! So disappointed in ABC. We are having an empty chair town hall in Sam Graves District 6 in St Joseph in a few weeks. I call Sam Graves Washington DC office every day to invite Graves to our town hall. He hasn’t had an in-person town hall since 2012.

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The empty chair town halls are a wonderful idea! Hope more localities do them.

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I participated in a demonstration in front of a Tesla service center in Tempe AZ last Saturday, 3/8. There were about 150 of us altogether.

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Every Saturday at noon Wichita,KS. Union Station and another location. Google it. Growing every Saturday

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I attended the Women’s March in Boston on March 8, which was attended by upwards of 2500-3000 people. Our route took us past a Tesla showroom on Boylston Street (near the marker for the end of the Boston Marathon) and we joined forces with the folks who were protesting there too!

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That is awesome! So glad to see all these protesting going on. I’m only one, but together we are many and then many more 🎯💯👍

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Inspiring. Montana!??!! Wow, even the trumpsters are pissed! Bravo. Tesla must go bankrupt, and with only poor maga types to sell to, that might just happen. Resist! Thank you all!

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Tucson has had many rallies! We joined about 500 like-minded people last Saturday at a busy intersection, and the amount of honks and waves we had were exhilarating! A week ago Tuesday, we marched from Armory Park to the Federal Building, with a great turnout. There are rallies in front of Juan Ciscomani's office (our US rep), at the Tesla dealership and other spots around town.

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Hey Sara! Thanks for being there!

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There's also the anti-Tesla rallies, which are having effect.

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Thank you for doing this linking the rallies together across the country. This one brought tears of pride seeing 500 unfold that extraordinarily large Ukrainian flag with such respect and unity:


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I’ve been to 3 protests against the Trump administration policies at the state capitol in Frankfort KY in the last 3 weeks. Planning to attend another in Frankfort Friday March 14 focused on Veterans.

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ngl, I got a lil choked up at the "Chemo gave me 7 extra years with my mom. Thanks, science!" sign. KEEP FIGHTIN THE GOOD FIGHT, Y'ALL! ✊🏽💙

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I love seeing these events. Sadly I’m not where I can participate but I’m there in spirit; believe me. 💪🏻💪🏻💙💙

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Bless you. You can participate by joining a chapter of the grass-roots organization "Indivisible" - they have virtual meetings as well as rallies and keep you informed of actions you can take .

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I participated in a rally in Doylestown, PA over the weekend for International Women's Day. Nice turnout but it was so uplifting to see the support from people driving by us. A huge amount of supporters and only a few maga.

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Yes in Austin Texas with Elizabeth Warren

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