Whites Only: How Elon Controls U.S. Foreign Policy
Elon’s whites-only asylum order rejected by Afrikaners and advocacy groups
U.S. foreign policy today is at the whims of Elon Musk, a South African-born billionaire with a vendetta against his birth country. Musk is also a white nationalist dog whistler consumed by unfounded white grievance. Because he has no security clearance, Musk has left America guessing about his allegiances. A citizen of three countries, his foreign contacts list is undoubtedly quite long but completely undisclosed. Even so, he has played a surprisingly central role in crafting foreign policy during the first three weeks of the administration. Musk seems to be calling the shots, for instance, when it comes to Trump’s posture toward his birth country of South Africa. It would be no stretch to assume he has mixed business and politics both at home and abroad.
Musk’s 290 million USD in support of Donald Trump’s campaign proved sufficient for a Trump victory. Musk then leveraged his financial support, gaining so much power that he is now half-jokingly called “President Musk.” He is arguably Donald Trump’s closest adviser. Moreover, he owns a social media platform pushing messaging favorable to the Trump administration. With more than 200 million followers, his personal account has all the independence of a state-run media outlet in an authoritarian regime. The richest man in the world is also arguably the closest adviser to the American president. His conflicts of interests seem to never end, particularly when it comes to the unusually strong rhetoric the Trump administration is using toward his birth country. The latest development is below and it’s a doozy.
LATEST: On Friday, Trump signed an executive order on asylum in South Africa. The order applied exclusively to Afrikaners and directed two federal departments to take action in support of this ethnic group comprising about four percent of South Africa’s overall population. The order, issued at Musk’s behest, was likely signed without much if any input from the State Department officials. Any undergraduate international relations major would have identified it as a bad idea, indicating that Trump involved very few people in the crafting of the order.
“The United States shall promote the resettlement of Afrikaner refugees escaping government-sponsored race-based discrimination, including racially discriminatory property confiscation.”
—Excerpt from Elon’s whites-only executive order signed by Trump calling for asylum action exclusively for Afrikaners. But the group the order purports to help says it is not needed. No one in South Africa asked for the order, which was immediately opposed by Afrikaners and Afrikaner advocacy organizations.
CONTEXT: Afrikaners are an ethnic group Africa of Dutch/French descent, and speak Afrikaans, which is distinct from Dutch but closely related. Elon Musk is an Afrikaner and speaks Afrikaans, leaving South Africa for North America in 1989. The word Apartheid is an Afrikaans word meaning “apartness.” Below is one of many “Europeans Only” benches memorialized in old photographs. White South Africans make up seven percent of the population, and more than 30 years after the end of Apartheid, this seven person of total population still owns about three-quarters of the country’s land.
(photo credit: Peter Magubane)
SUPER-ELON? The following section is dramatized.
Elon looks into the mirror each morning and sees a superhero – the savior of Afrikaners. Elon morphs into his 18-year old self, the exact age at which he left his homeland. He returns as Super-Elon, Savior of Afrikaners, wearing a Tesla “T” across his chest and driving a Cybertruck, In this vehicle, Super-Elon is taken completely seriously as is the case for all drivers of his model. Super-Elon must also fight the “genocide” in South Africa that Elon definitely did not make up and lie about repeatedly on the record. The new model Cybertruck contains a teleportation device, located in the vehicle’s back seat. The device is set to teleport Afrikaners to Ellis Island, where there is now a statue of Donald Trump, a “Lifelong Champion of Immigrants and Refugees.” A media entourage follows Super-Elon across South Africa, and journalist are able to access the operation despite “genocide” warnings by Musk. Super-Elon looks worried about the teleport, and the media is beginning to feel Hyperloop vibes. Moments later, though, the teleport turns on. Super-Elon saves the day. “A perfect rescue,” Trump says.
(photo credit: MagicalQuote, Umbrella Academy on Prime Video)
VILLAIN, ACTUALLY: The previous section only occurred in Elon’s dream. He is no superhero. Superheroes don’t lie, and Elon has made “repeated and false claims over the years that authorities in his country of birth are anti-white and even encouraging the killing of white people,” the Associated Press noted.
The AP also reported that Musk’s claims of “genocide” in South Africa were false. Superheroes don’t make up genocide. No one makes up genocide. Yet Elon made up genocide. Which matters more to Elon? A nonexistent “genocide” that, despite Musk’s claim, was never committed or the very real past and ongoing genocides against people of color and ethnicities that are not his own?
Elon Musk is a cartoon villain, but the damage he is doing to the country and world lacks humor.
SILVER LINING: Afrikaners, it turns out, do not want Elon’s asylum. They wish to stay in their home country, and they know better than Elon about the risk they are or are not taking. Elon can’t save people who don’t want to be saved. Everything Elon touches seems to die. Both Reuters and the Associated Press reported Afrikaners’ disinterest in Trump’s offer. Below are some quotes from them. Note that advocacy organizations are working on behalf of Afrikaners, and were doing so long before Elon decided to “help.'“
'No thanks': White South Africans turn down Trump immigration offer —Reuters
"Why would you want to go… what are you going to do over there?" –Neville
“Afrikaners do not want to be refugees. We are committed to our homeland.”
Afrikaner groups in South Africa decline Trump’s resettlement plan –AP
“We are committed to build a future here. –Afrikaner trade union Solidarity
"We don’t want to move elsewhere." –CEO of the Afrikaner lobby group AfriForum
Poor Elon…
HERE’S THE THING: How audaciously f**ked up is it that Trump and Musk thought they could be or needed to be the racial saviors of Afrikaners, without being asked to do so. Advocacy organizations representing Afrikaners’ interests were never consulted about the appropriateness of the U.S. president signing such an order. Upon Trump’s signing, these organizations quickly called a press conference in strong OPPOSITION to the Trump-Musk stunt. The organizations’ sentiments were echoed by regular Afrikaners. For some reason, Trump and Musk simply assumed that Afrikaner refugees would choose the U.S. as their destination country should they even need refuge, which they do not at this time as indicated by the various responses to the media. Sounds pretty f**ked up!
HERE’S THE SECOND THING: South Africa, President Ramaphosa notes, “is a constitutional democracy that is deeply rooted in the rule of law, justice and equality.” Trump and Musk have not presented sufficient evidence to justify such a dramatic departure from basic diplomacy, to say the least. Musk, who has been called out for lies and who spoke of non-existent “genocide” is not credible.
There is a Spanish saying that goes this way: El Diablo Los Cria y Ellos se juntan. Translation : The devil raises them and they find each other/get together.
Elon and Trump. Or one can say in English: Two peas in a pod.
The original saying (translated to English) is God raises them and they get together. The Cubans changed to The Devil raises them and they get together.
We Cubans know a lot about devils……
I can't believe that South Africa was unhappy when they unloaded muskrat on us.