It’s Tuesday. There are 637 days until the midterm elections. Susan Collins is still a joke, Democrats start to get in the fight and getting ready for prison in El Salvador.
Our personal data is now on flash drives in Mask’s hands. 2026 won’t go well.
This will be used for Voter Suppression. They send you a letter two days before Election Day stating you aren’t eligible to vote and must go in person to verify. You go and the line is five hours long. If you eat or drink in line you are pulled out of line. It happened in 2024 in Georgia. People with jobs just give up and don’t vote.
Those ridiculous low wages most red states pay workers in itself is voter suppression. Who can afford to miss time off from work to vote. Your statement about eating in line gets you pulled out reminds me of the soup Nazi episode in Seinfeld.
If his MAGAts think he’s winning, facts don’t matter much. Great for the reality-based folks that there won’t be tariffs for now, but all that does is save us money. It doesn’t save our country from Trump. Not really.
Exactly. He “saved” himself from the tariffs that HE was going to impose. (25%??🤣) He didn’t save us a damn thing. Meanwhile, MAGAS silent about the price of eggs.
Excellent work! I especially enjoyed the cover by Billy Strings as I’ve always loved the Allman Brothers. I may have lost my virginity to that very song but that was a long time ago!
You wouldn't believe this if you didn't see it. And if you do see it, you still don't believe it. How can the Rep and Dem Congress be this paralyzed? I know the only thing they care about in life is re-election, and they're terrified that Donnie will deploy candidates against them, but haven't they at least read JFK's "Profiles in Courage?" Or they have, and they don't have any.
There's actually nothing you could call good news, but in two years, after the Donnie voters figure out how had they've been, they'll probably replace as much of the Congress as they can. I'm assuming here that Donnie and Elon Leon won't have abolished Congress by then. Who's going to stop them? The SCOTUS?
I am 100% convinced that government databases stolen by the Muskrat & His Illicit Minions are at minimum on the Dark Web and in reality already sold to other countries. There's no way there's any loyalty with any of those clowns.
for profit cost on vaccines (most hmo currently no charge on vaccines, no 'mandatory' vaccines for school), no funds for research to create new vaccines for govt. Even non profit research decline due to restricted govt grants pending Elon holding the govt purse. Recalls on meds will decline, no funds to Federal agencies - FDA. Forget midterms, now and within 4 months, we already a different country.
Federal workers need to remember who the 'boss' is, and it is not DOGE/Elon (Grift dept) and they need to know where the money is coming from is not a legitimate allocation. Congress is the boss, and Federal workers need to continue to fight/stand their ground for their selfless work serving We The People/non-partisan.need to know where the money is coming from is not a legitimate allocation. Congress is the boss, and they need to continue to fight/stand their ground for their selfless work serving We The People/non-partisan.
Prisons in this country not getting our inmates, and 'due process' is sending them to foreign countries? At this rate, let's send Republicans on Space X to Mars to govern. (BTW goes against Trump wanting his Private Prison companies [not Govt run public] to benefit from all the people to be locked up)
Our personal data is now on flash drives in Mask’s hands. 2026 won’t go well.
This will be used for Voter Suppression. They send you a letter two days before Election Day stating you aren’t eligible to vote and must go in person to verify. You go and the line is five hours long. If you eat or drink in line you are pulled out of line. It happened in 2024 in Georgia. People with jobs just give up and don’t vote.
Voter suppression is why he’s in office now!
Too true. He has thousands of ignorant followers leading us down a dark path.
True. But I call it the cheating and true stealing of an election.
Lawless MF republicans accused democrats of doing exactly what republicans with oligarchs planned to do for real.
For the first time in our 250 years of country history, we have seen the actual stealing of an election for purposes of hostile fascist takeover.
Unless some truly brave souls with actual allegiance to our actual constitution are found -and soon- RIP USA.
Those ridiculous low wages most red states pay workers in itself is voter suppression. Who can afford to miss time off from work to vote. Your statement about eating in line gets you pulled out reminds me of the soup Nazi episode in Seinfeld.
Jesus fn christ. All I can say...
There was a bit of good news yesterday. A Historic DC Black Church Now Owns the Proud Boys’ Name. Suhweet.
This info cheered me immensely 😁
If his MAGAts think he’s winning, facts don’t matter much. Great for the reality-based folks that there won’t be tariffs for now, but all that does is save us money. It doesn’t save our country from Trump. Not really.
Exactly. He “saved” himself from the tariffs that HE was going to impose. (25%??🤣) He didn’t save us a damn thing. Meanwhile, MAGAS silent about the price of eggs.
All Democrat Senators supporting convict trump's nominees should be charged with aiding and abetting a known criminal and punished accordingly!
This number gets you to message any senator or congressman you want. 202 224-3121. Let your voice be heard.
Excellent work! I especially enjoyed the cover by Billy Strings as I’ve always loved the Allman Brothers. I may have lost my virginity to that very song but that was a long time ago!
You wouldn't believe this if you didn't see it. And if you do see it, you still don't believe it. How can the Rep and Dem Congress be this paralyzed? I know the only thing they care about in life is re-election, and they're terrified that Donnie will deploy candidates against them, but haven't they at least read JFK's "Profiles in Courage?" Or they have, and they don't have any.
There's actually nothing you could call good news, but in two years, after the Donnie voters figure out how had they've been, they'll probably replace as much of the Congress as they can. I'm assuming here that Donnie and Elon Leon won't have abolished Congress by then. Who's going to stop them? The SCOTUS?
First of all, it's President "BEAVIS Butthead." You were thinking of Benjamin Button. (nudge nudge wink wink)
Note 6: No they haven't. If they had, the Muskrat would be in shackles in some dark hole somewhere.
Note 10: If the money doesn't come from the Muskrat himself, they're gonna get fucked over, and too fucking bad for them. HA HA
Note 11: Walz is absofuckinglutely correct.
Note 12: Who the fuck does the Muskrat think he is? Hillary Clinton?
Note 17: Ha ha. So there.
Note 18: No shit. I'm *yawn* shocked...
Note 19: I worked the Allman Brothers, and that was my favorite song of theirs. Thank you!
What Senate?: Anyone checking for Cheeto dust on Republican buttholes today?
All musk needed was all of the tax/finance records of everyone in government in order to get everything he wants.
(For future elections to steal) I push buttons too quickly
We'll send Trump and all his Deplorables to the El Salvador prisons!
I am 100% convinced that government databases stolen by the Muskrat & His Illicit Minions are at minimum on the Dark Web and in reality already sold to other countries. There's no way there's any loyalty with any of those clowns.
So we are paying Panama to deport migrants who haven't reached the US, but we are still planning on invading it?
The Waffle House egg surcharge is a good deal. I just bought plain old Safeway eggs that cost $0.58 AN EGG.
Hello Polio, Flu, Elderly pneumonia, Measles..
for profit cost on vaccines (most hmo currently no charge on vaccines, no 'mandatory' vaccines for school), no funds for research to create new vaccines for govt. Even non profit research decline due to restricted govt grants pending Elon holding the govt purse. Recalls on meds will decline, no funds to Federal agencies - FDA. Forget midterms, now and within 4 months, we already a different country.
Federal workers need to remember who the 'boss' is, and it is not DOGE/Elon (Grift dept) and they need to know where the money is coming from is not a legitimate allocation. Congress is the boss, and Federal workers need to continue to fight/stand their ground for their selfless work serving We The People/non-partisan.need to know where the money is coming from is not a legitimate allocation. Congress is the boss, and they need to continue to fight/stand their ground for their selfless work serving We The People/non-partisan.
Prisons in this country not getting our inmates, and 'due process' is sending them to foreign countries? At this rate, let's send Republicans on Space X to Mars to govern. (BTW goes against Trump wanting his Private Prison companies [not Govt run public] to benefit from all the people to be locked up)
RFK Jr and Gabbard, SMH. Hope they all enjoy pandemics and learning to speak Russian.