I have an important question. Who do you think will be wearing the most makeup tomorrow night? Kamala or Orangey🤣

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Excellent profane defense of democracy and expression of the need to elect Kamala.

She may need all of two terms to unite us all in pursuit of an efficient, just, progressive society. A result that MOST americans are in favor of.

Many festering mistakes need to be dismantled, so it’s going to be hard.

-SCOTUS corruption / religiosity

-Dark, unlimited money

-FDA failures (bad food, pharma)

-Unfettered Capitalism

-Disingenuous “News” systems

-Technology is America’s life blood, but needs judicious management; by a special branch, not congress.

Kamala’s core values allow us to build if the preceeding failures are cleaned up.

Much work ahead and we all must work for it.

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Jagged Dick nipples is the best so far. THE BEST

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