Chuck Schumer needs to go. I suggest Tammy Duckworth. Or any of the other Democratic women senators because they all seem to be able to speak up and out loudly.

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Yes, Tammy is awesome. So would Elizabeth Warren, Amy Klobuchar, and Jacky Rosen.

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He’s absolutely destroying the party in this moment. It’s gobsmacking.

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He has been useless for a decade now. Too busy greasing his palms and preening in the mirror.

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So we are sending 50 million dollars worth of condoms to Gaza, Trumps a fucking idiot and his father should have used one.

So now he’s going to hold migrants, whether or not they committed a crime at Guantanamo. These migrants are the most terrible people/criminals on the planet according to fuhrer. WTF!!!

God Bless the families of the devastating accident in DC. I see the complete fucking moron in chief is already saying DEI is the cause. You can’t make this shit up.

RFK Jr. is a moron and I think the worm has become his fucking brain. How many Dems will vote for him???

I’m fucking tired of Republicans constantly lying, blatant lies, and there’s no fucking pushback. People start to believe this shit when they’re not tuning in to the right media source. I don’t fucking understand.

I understand in the beginning that the fucking Dems said they had to pick and choose their battles but I really didn’t think that their battles were for all of them not to vote for these fucken sick twisted individuals that Trump has nominated. Grow some balls!

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tRUMP is the best argument for abortion

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And here I thought that Hegs was the worst Secretary. Well the new Sec of Transportation takes over 1st place for now. Wonder how long he’ll hold that title with his ridiculous comment on “it’s not standard for planes to collide”. I’m still shaking my head after reading that gem.

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Yeah that was just horrible. Way to go, Captain Obvious, wow. Glad he clarified that for us! But only to be outdone by shniveling blame-gamer and Chief Bully Drump, with his ever present personality trait of unempathetic dishonest evader of accountability.

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What an idiot. Does he think it is every day happenings? Where did he come from? He had to be hatched from a nest of Crows and the crows threw him out of nest.

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No one lamented the trial of Senator Menendez or excused him or gave him a pardon. Big double standards in this country.

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He deserved to go to prison. That's the diff between most Dems & Rethugs. Crime is crime and they should pay the price.

If you mean the news media, well their heads are too far up Donald's sphincter to hear what else is happening in the world.

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That note wasn’t about whether he deserved to or not, but rather laws applied to some and not to others. This country has always had that problem. So has the world. 🌎

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It’s good to see other folks are using the F-word waaay more than they used to.

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That's a very funny and inconsistent comment.

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It’s my favorite!

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Trump has already blamed DEI and Biden for the crash.

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tRump is by definition truly an idiot, nothing out of his mouth is ever worth hearing

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To us yes; to the maga cult he's a god. I don't know how we can get though to them.

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Do not try to tell them anything. A waste of time. Spend yopur energy on calling the Congress. Number is 202-224-3121. Call every day twice, three or four.

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We don’t - they’ll FAFO all on their own. That may be why he has TWO ears.

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Note three: Der Trumpenfuehrer only took 8 days to get from "I do" to concentration camps.

Note five: HA HA.

Note eight: No shit? I'm *yawn* shocked.

Note twelve: Democrats in the House and Senate are a bunch of piss-pants pussies who seemingly have sucked the mushroom.

Note fourteen: See comment on note twelve directly above this comment.

Note seventeen: No shit? I'm *yawn* shocked.

RFKiller: "we can only hope some sanity remains in the Senate." We're ROYALLY fucked.

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Great comment!

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I wonder how black republicans feel about the Pentagon canceling celebrations for MLK Day and removing all mentions of Black History Month.

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Trump to the black folks, ' What do you got to lose ? ' I hope they all realize now their existence past, present & future as equal human beings.

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Not to mention all the people of color AND women in the military?!

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Well I am going to laugh my ass off when Trump & his drunk pal reinstate the draft due to loss of POC and women and LGBTQ+ military personnel. Wait until the toxic, angry, MAGAt boys start getting pulled off the street for basic training. SQUEEEE.

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Please use a capital "B" when referring to the Black community or Black people.

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My bad. I stand corrected. 😉

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He also moved Gen. Milly's photo offthe wall.

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Re: Note #14: Maybe we should stop voting in Democrat senators who won’t stand up against republicans.

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Good idea.

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RFK Jr. name needs to be “Blender Bobby.” What a horrible man. Remember, character counts and he has none. He is a lying, psychotic grifter and a disgrace.

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I refer to him as RF[u]K Jr. And to the press secretary as Spicer Leavitt.

Oh No. Paul Simon sang a DEI song! Come on, "Julio?"

I am the retired single parent of an adult disabled child. We don't get a "lighter" tax bracket. We get a bracket that reflects that we support a second person without help from anyone. If a married couple gets a break because of the expense of two people, why shouldn't a single parent?

If the head of household has more than one child, they get the exact same deductions as a a married couple with more than one child. But the deduction doesn't come close to the full cost of supporting a second person. Maybe married couples should be in the same tax bracket as singles, with simply a "deduction" for one of the spouses?? How would that fly?

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It's insanity. I feel for you. Just trying to deal with my own aging health issues now is exhausting. And if one thing is clear, we live in a healthcare system designed for minimal efficiency and maximum billing. And likely now to get much worse. I have cancer. The crap Donald is doing, and that will likely occur, will literally shorten my life and the lives of many.

When I worked for EDS decades ago, they actually gave married people w/children bonuses, eg covered more of their insurance co-pays even though we already know they were getting higher paychecks. But single people?...also paying rent, car pymts, gas, insurance, etc etc...they were always undermined and also expected to be the ones to pick up the slack when the marrieds w/children had to call in sick or leave for an appt. America sucks.

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They seem to think that single parents are all promiscuous females, probably of the color that no longer dares speak its name. Must punish, must punish.

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They certainly used to. Singles were all wild ones out partying all night. Right. And also doing a larger percentage of the work in office.

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Thank you for all you do and all you say, such a crazy time now and it's good to have some sanity. Appreciate you very much for helping too save our democracy! You're the best💙

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Boy those Lebanese-Americans sure showed Joe who's boss.

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Perhaps they can get jobs cleaning up the shitters in Gaza's new Zionist only high rises.

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The great leader has reached a lifetime achievement with this fabrication.

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Thanks for the Peanuts video. I’m so overwhelmed by ugly news - I really needed the break. (Had a nice break yesterday watching good movies on TCM, including “Shop Around the Corner” which took place in a thriving Budapest between WWI and WWII followed by “To Be or Not to Be,” a 1942 comedy (yes, comedy, with Jack Benny and Carole Lombard) about Warsaw being taken over by Nazis. A case where if you don’t laugh you’ll cry.

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Omg I hadn’t heard about the sentencing of Bob Menendez Go democracy!!!!

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