Biden did an AMAZING job last night. Yes he stumbled over names, but I’ve done that all my life. There was no sign of dementia there; just clear-headed, thoughtful and well-informed responses from a man who has earned the right to misspeak. And I’d LOVE to see Donald try to answer ANY of those questions without his huge melon of a noggin exploding. Biden is obviously extremely qualified to continue picking up the pieces of our broken nation from the fallout of Trump’s joke of a presidency.

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This morning, 12 July, both MSM and CNN are trash talking Biden again. Both seem to be only interested in interviewing people who are saying, yes he did a good job in the press conference and still should step aside! WTF GUYS!! All he did was prove to everyone he could handle the job. Is no one ready to name someone who could do a better job. He proved he could do it.

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The dweebs, dorks, dumbasses, dipshits, dumbfucks and dildos of the DC Diaper Democrats need to have their faces slapped so hard their heads bobble. Wake the fuck up, you fucking cowards!!

They remind me of the coward in "Saving Private Ryan" who couldn't overcome his fear and got his buddies killed at the end of the movie.

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Glad you’re here Adam. I catch your appearances with the Nerd Avengers too. I’m on Substack because I followed Mary Trump over here. SO grateful to find this community. I’d buy a, “CONTROL GUNS NOT GIRLS” t-shirt if one materializes on the scene. I’d design one myself, but pesky work takes up most of my time. Writing postcards to voters is in my near future!

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I did a quick search on Etsy yesterday and there are already several versions available! One of my goals today (after catching up on all my substack reading, of course) is to finally choose one and get one ordered :-)

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Janky Dickhead.

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Hi Pam, I’m unsure if you are in my plus or minus column. What?

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It’s my idea of what JD (as in Vance) stands for. (And I go by Pamela.)

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I stand corrected Pamela!

I agree with you on that possible VP.

We may have to be more careful with our language if Trump’s project 2025 gets going.

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Eek! That’s a scary thought- but you’re right. The Straight and Narrow Police will be everywhere.

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Joyce Vance, Civil Discourse 07-12-2024 Excerpt:

This morning, the New York Times ran a crucial editorial piece. In the middle of the controversy over whether Joe Biden should be the Democratic nominee for the presidency, they returned the conversation to the most important issue we face: whether Donald Trump is fit to be president.

The Times Editorial Board resoundingly concluded that the answer is no.

That doesn’t come as a surprise to any of us here at Civil Discourse. But sometimes, what’s obvious, what’s plain, can get lost in an onrush of bright and shiny things. I fear we are in one of those moments. Although I’ve had some concerns about what I’ve read, and about what I haven’t, in the Times recently, this piece is something we should all be reading.

The piece is headlined: “Donald Trump is unfit to lead.” It starts with these toplines:




Here is the gift link [at the bottom of this comment] for those who want to read the whole piece, and I hope you will.

“A once great political party now serves the interests of one man, a man as demonstrably unsuited for the office of president as any to run in the long history of the Republic, a man whose values, temperament, ideas and language are directly opposed to so much of what has made this country great.”

“Mr. Trump has shown a character unworthy of the responsibilities of the presidency. He has demonstrated an utter lack of respect for the Constitution, the rule of law and the American people. Instead of a cogent vision for the country’s future, Mr. Trump is animated by a thirst for political power: to use the levers of government to advance his interests, satisfy his impulses and exact retribution against those who he thinks have wronged him.”

The Editorial concludes, “Voters frustrated by inflation and immigration or attracted by the force of Mr. Trump’s personality should pause and take note of his words and promises. They have little to do with unity and healing and a lot to do with making the divisions and anger in our society wider and more intense than they already are…When someone fails so many foundational tests, you don’t give him the most important job in the world.”

I want everyone to see these words. They are written for the independents, the so-called unicorns whose votes may decide the outcome of the election in key battleground states, but also for those who have become weary of the endless political fray we live in. They are written for those of us who are committed to fighting to keep the Republic. The Editorial Board at the New York Times has said what must be said, and the language of the piece is powerful. And simple. These are the arguments to carry forward in your daily life with people who are not already convinced they must use their power as voters to make sure Trump does not return to the Oval Office.

Voting is the solution.


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Please tell me you two follow him = brutal and hilarious:

Jeff Tiedrich from everyone is entitled to my own opinion (Substack)

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Worth Repeating! First of all, why do you even question if your publication is going to survive? This is the best thing I’ve run across in a long time. I like the way you keep your snippets short with an easy link right where it needs to be if a person chooses to go look there. You don’t waste time you get right to the point And it fits with the social media minded person these days. We are so used to small soundbites and quick clips. Thank you for providing what our brains have gotten used to. I’ve only got one brain. I’m speaking for everybody I guess

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IMHO, TNYT must have counted how many subscribers they've lost lately.

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JD = NAZI …. All ya need ya know! James Donald . . . I have never met a James I ever liked. Not a Jimmy not a Jim not a Jamie, nor a JimBoy or JimBob! There’s something about them that is corrupt! And we certainly don’t need two motherfucking DONALDS in charge of anything!

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First of all, why do you even question if your publication is going to survive? This is the best thing I’ve run across in a long time. I like the way you keep your snippets short with an easy link right where it needs to be if a person chooses to go look there. You don’t waste time you get right to the point And it fits with the social media minded person these days. We are so used to small soundbites and quick clips. Thank you for providing what our brains have gotten used to. I’ve only got one brain. I’m speaking for everybody I guess.

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Note 14. Biden must use his new powers BEFORE they are taken away.

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On other pages there was still comments about having Joe drop out. They are playing with fire - or just bad management!

The front page of the NYTIMES should have said this years ago. Perhaps we wouldn’t be in this situation again!

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