Dear Adam & Sam..Thank you so much for making our day by putting the words down that we would love to say to our Trump supporting Family & Friends. We just link them to your posts and watch their heads explode. lol

A question about republican wives.

Cheryl Hines, Melania Trump, Usha Vance, Elaine Chao, Yolanda Robinson…Don’t these Women have enough money or self respect to divorce the male morons they’re married to?

And what about that frightening Guifoyle creature is she still a lawyer?

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So many great nicknames…the “Just” ones are my favorite…Just Dickless, Justno Dignity, Just Dumberthandogshit…😂😂😂

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Love, love, love your newsletters, Adam and Sam! I look forward to them every day! They are so great! Keep it up and know we really appreciate you!

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I laughed and laughed out loud at all the JD names. An endless supply ... thanks to Otto for the numerical order. Keep 'em coming!

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Yay for our esteemed senator from the great state of Oregon. While his bill to reform the Supreme Court is not likely to pass in the current House, at least Senator Wyden has started the ball rolling!

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Many thanks for making the unbearable political arena less painful! Honestly, I cannot stomach msm anymore - they have failed us beyond measure. I love your JD names btw - the Jupiter aliases are my personal favs.

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Just discovered you and am an instant fan. I have another name for president of vice candidate vance…a name that reflects his real mission of being installed after they get rid of trump by whatever means necessary if trump wins…Junior Dictator. Courtesy of The Heritage Foundation and hatefilled misogynistic racist bigots everywhere.

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Gee you never used my name of Jacking Divan (JD). Facebook won’t let you post that substack with the dossier, says it goes against community standards 🤬 Musk is another dickface and I spend very little time on Xitter. As far as Helene goes my tiny home on the side of the N GA mountain was safe. We didn’t get any bad gusts but geez it’s been raining since Tuesday night. There was lots of trees down on the roads in the county and Richard Russell Hwy is closed indefinitely. It’s only the shortcut through the state park to get to Blairsville and it’s scary AF cause I took it to get my DL.

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