I hope Harris Walz reform the SCOTUS as soon as possible!

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Get a 60-vote Democratic Senate and it will be done.

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Not possible this cycle.

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There needs to be term limits on all appointed positions. I think ten or fifteen years is long enough.

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Since we need to retain institutional experience, there should be a dozen “Emeritus” positions created so that the most senior members of each branch of government can be elected to serve as mentors and advisers to the new members as they come up.

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Unless it’s a f’ing Republican. Are there any decent ones left???

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I hear you!. But we all watched as the moderate “old timers” of the GOP were primaried out of existence over the last 30 years, first by the Tea Party nuts, then by the Freedom Caucus, and finally by MAGA. If there had been a mechanism for keeping five elder statesmen on as the Voices of Institutional and Constitutional Wisdom, perhaps that wouldn’t have happened so thoroughly. Just a thought.

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Make it a rotating position. They retain the position for six years. Four from each major party, and two from the Independent parties, like Bernie Sanders. This way, you encourage a wider institutional knowledge. Pay is less, and they could retain a smaller staff. And you encourage or even mandate the oldest members to stop running past age 75.

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I look forward to and thoroughly enjoy the shit out of your cussing newsletter Sam & Adam. Always have! Wishing you all many new followers especially in the next couple of months. Keep up the great work.

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JK Rowling's been Xitter (that's pronounced"shitter") silent all week since she posted her fuckwittery last week about the Algerian female boxer. Did JK note that the Italian crybaby took back her accusation and made an apology the day after she got punched so hard she couldn't take it? Didn't see anything about that. Could it have anything to do with the lawsuit filed in France, that might see her have to part with a significant percentage of her Harry Potter money? Hmmm????

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Right on Tom! JK needs a good gut punch!

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Keep up the good cussing! Makes my day to read irreverent 💩 you post. 😏

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I f’n love this newsletter! Great work guys!

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"Be advised: This newsletter only uses half the profanity on weekends that it does on weekdays. Of course, it’s only half as long." Mahalo for the belly laugh!

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As an outsider, Australian, the joining at the hip of the Judiciary, Religion and Politics, appears to be at the root of the majority of problems in the US. The most important being separate SCOUS from Politics.

Any comments on how ?

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MAGA maggots will do ANYTHING for power!!! Listen people, were in trouble if Donald Duck wins in November. I don't understand the polls. How can anyone with a brain vote for this felon, rapist, fraudster and liar. Seriously what is wrong with people????

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“Can you imagine how cable news would be covering this if a Democrat had crapped on our veterans like Trump did? Jake Tapper would be openly sobbing!” The double standard is beyond shameful.

As for Imanie, I hope she wins that lawsuit big time.

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I am expecting the DNC Chicago-style to be interesting. https://shorturl.at/NLQYz

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